Welcome to the website of the 28th IEEE International Symposium on Computer Arithmetic.

The 28th edition of the symposium, ARITH 2021, originally scheduled in Turin, Italy, was held as a virtual conference due to the COVID-19 pandemia.
The video recordings of the whole conference are available by clicking on the specific session in the Symposium-at-a-glance table.
Since 1969, the ARITH symposia have served as the flagship conference for presenting scientific work on the latest research in computer arithmetic. Computer arithmetic is now driving the most important innovations and product directions in our industry, such as artificial intelligence and security.
For the first time ARITH will be a virtual conference with live presentations, keynote talks, and panels. Moreover, perspective authors have an option to publish in IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing (TETC) and present the work at ARITH 2021.
In fact, ARITH 2021 features two categories of submissions: Journal Papers (JPs), which will appear in a Special Section of TETC to be published tentatively in the conference dates (J1C2 model), and Conference Papers (CPs). The two categories have distinct submission, review and publication processes.
Relevant dates are reported below. For more information and details about submission requirements, please check the Call for Papers page.
Journal Papers
Paper submission deadline | |
Reviews completed and Authors notified | |
Submission of Minor revisions | |
Notification of Final acceptance | |
Publication materials for Final manuscripts due | |
Conference Papers
Abstract submission deadline | |
Complete paper submission deadline | |
Reviews completed and Authors notified | |
Camera ready and Copyright due | |